Sunday, February 28, 2016

The hungers of the hundreds at the gate

Taking the first line of the Master poet 'Anthony Burgess'...

'The hunger of the hundreds at the gate' on the spot poet challenge! 

The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

Manna in the wilderness to satiate,

Miraculously provided, I remember

Reading The Bible off late.


The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

Vandalism has become the order of the day

Molten lava flows , like a venomous snake

Hissing and killing, hissing and killing

Emotions dead, rudderless is the fate

Oh youth of this country, you can make the change

Live and let live, make happiness the bait.

The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

What a price nation has to pay

Internal strife, is holding stake

Our soldiers, the martyers

laying their lives, all in vain

Oh what a shame, what a waste

Families immersed in pain

Is life so cheap today?


The hungers of the hundreds at the gate

Despondency looming, such is the fate.

Hey! Why play at the hands of fate,

Take charge, like a lighting brigade

Crossing milestones one by one

Do not fret, sunshine awaits

Let darkness cut a sorry face.

Kiren Babal

27.2 .2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tread lightly she is near under the snow

Taking first two lines of great poet Oscar Wilde

I made my poetry as on the spot challenge.....

Tread lightly she is near under the snow

Shall sing her a lullaby, in peace may rest her soul.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Oh it must be so cold and dark down there

She may stumble or may get hurt,

Precautionary so, my dear angel

Have lighted a lamp, at your abode.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Sun moon, & stars stand witness

For love knows no boundaries, will grow evermore

Even when she lies under the snow.

For body may perish, love shall surpass

Beyond time and space,

In spirit, when my heart touches yours.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Shovel gently ,Your heart's desire , in the

Warm sunshine that she may glow.

Plant her that loving kiss,

She breathes again that loving bliss.

In the twilight when earth and sky meet

Our love shall blossom again

Arms locked , shall sing and dance

The song of life again.

Kiren Babal


Don't go far off, not even for a day

Taking the first two lines of famous Poet Pablo Neruda,my on the spot poetry challenge.
(Don't go far off, not even for a day)

Ps: Here the theme is unsafe city.

Don't go far off not even for a day

The days are like sharks

And devils prowl the night

Will you then hear my call

Gone so far away?

Ps:From the perspective of young bride.

Don't go far off, not even for a day,

In your paradise , stepped I, a young bride

With fluttering heart, starry eyes, rosy dreams,

But you left me, to take care of many others

Fighting at the borders, protecting our country.

With prayers on my lips, each moment passed ,

no less a decade, seething in a desert.

Now that you are here, there is so much to share

My fondness, my madness, 

Yearnings of my bleeding heart.

This moment belongs to me

Will you not give it to me?

Ps:Theme on togetherness.

Don't go far off, not even for a day

but if you must , listen to what I say

Go wherever , I have no complaints

Just take me along, is the request .

For I am your shadow, and your soul

Have any doubts, ask the Sun, it'll tell ye all

The valley shall echo all, the air will drum away

How can a body live  when the soul is away.

Ps:Theme on Tolerance &Respect.

Don't go far off, not even a day,

Do I need to be possessive,

No, I am not so selfish!

Tread my dear, out in the world

Accomplish your mission, for the day

When you return home, head held high,

And smile on your lips, be assured

Shall inspire and support in whatever I can

Our mutual love and care, shall glow in our hearts

And our cosy home, an epitome of love

Shall always stand tall.

Ps:Theme on Daughters

Don't go far off, not even for a day,

For you are my apple honey

And sunshine of my life. 

I nuture you with love

It's treat to see you grow

When the time is ripe

To write a new history

Circle of life to begin

I wish you all the luck

And proudly claim

Daughter is the gift of God

She enlivens the house

With boundless love.

Though I bid you farewell

Have firm faith within

Yet another household will kindle

With warmth love and care

Oh my daughter, my love

You are always in my heart

Never far away.

#Kaafiya Milao

Kiren Babal


Monday, February 8, 2016

Ultra Violet Rays

Ultra violet rays

Oh!the deceitful Sun

And its Ultra violet rays,

Didn't know could play havoc,

For I dared, played undermining its reign.

January month, a holiday, Oh! such fun,

In the heart of the Andamans,

I swam like a fish in the Northern Bay Beach,

The morning sun seemed so sweet.

I splashed and splattered, 

The water and me,

That balmy warmth , Oh boy!

Every fibre of my body felt sublime.

No warnings did I heed,

I was but a fish, slipping around;

Thought, would remain in waters, eternally.

And the Sun shined its teasing smile,

Could it take the beating from puny me!

By the evening true colours revealed,

My whole body baked like a chocolate cake;

The setting sun bid goodbye ,

With tongue -n- cheek smile.

For next two days remained confined , 

Indoors like a fish fry......

Thickly coated with white Calamine lotion;

An antidote to soothe and heal my cakey skin .

The ultra violet rays, and the havoc it played!

The sun had a hearty laugh , winking in query,

Who asked you to dare and come out ?

Without protection of a sun block lotion.

Oh dear Sun! But for your ultra violet rays

Not a nice gesture spoiling my two days.

Prevention is better than cure, Sir...

For,you taught a lifelong lesson well.

Kiren Babal

28th May 2015

Travails of forgetfulness

Travails of Forgetfulness (Villanelle style)

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk,

Shell shocked and horrified , I find my lovely car, not in sight.

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, failed to talk.

Upon my friend's advice, dialled 100, forgetting the walk,

Then rushed to the colony gate , enquired the gaurd in sight;

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk.

'Where did you go last evening?' asked my friend in an earnest talk.

Distant sound of siren,then suddenly an image, flashed in the mind;

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk.

Spotting my car, I drove it back, Beat constable staring hard;

Honest confession, forgetfulness my biggest woe, came to sight;

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk.

Went in the car to attend the meeting, came back in leisure walk

forgetting completely, my car left behind, and out of sight

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk

Case closed in the police station, all travails came to naught,

And greetings from all corners, and I blushed at my plight;

Flight of steps, descending, early morn, all set for a walk;

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk


The Rise within

In the silence 

I sat to witness

the dance within. 

Soaked in the desires

of self contentment

with the passionate rosy hues . 

I make a stir hissing , 

out of slumber

heavy as earth , slowly 

move upward 

ready to play 

the dance within. 

I witness 

the slithering rise upward 

Amidst the oceanic tubulance 

Churning within. 

Then clearing all

peacefully settle , and

establish , in saffron hue. 

The fiery rise continues

freeing from gravitation ; 

Engulfed with the wisdom 

to act as deem fit. 

Soaking in golden yellow

burning all malice 

with the wisdom within . 

Slithering upwards 

In the cold desert of my heart

I witness suffocation , heaviness, 

loneliness , helplessness ; 

Coming to my respite

the bright green light

spraying the soothing balm 

pulsating the heart with its boundless love

I slither upwards 

To the garden of paradise 

drinking its nectar sweet and milky white

Dazzling with the blue light 

Shedding off poison


I slither upwards

but first cut the ego

with the mighty sword

urging the divine

an entry into its realm

radiating with the indigo light. 

I remain responsible

slowly moving ahead. 

Suddenly am out . . . all etheric; 

Out of my crown

in communion

dazzling in its violet hues

On the throne of thousand petals; 

In the creativity of my own. . . .


in silence , 



Vast expanse

I play

the cosmic dance within. . . . 


Kiren Babal

17. 3. 2015. 

PS: This poem is published in an anthology,' Just for you my Love.'

The Journey

A journey by road,

On the highway,

Settled snuggly inside,

The eyes become host , to

panoramic view, of all

Passersby, vendors, roads, trucks

Trees, fields, Dharma, water parks, 

Buildings, hotels, all moving swiftly 

In the opposite direction.

The child in me knows it all

Yet amused to witness the illusion do speed

The eyes perceive. 

Each moving in the opposite direction

As if bidding adieu to us

In the hope of 

Meeting again 

God willing.