Sunday, February 28, 2016

The hungers of the hundreds at the gate

Taking the first line of the Master poet 'Anthony Burgess'...

'The hunger of the hundreds at the gate' on the spot poet challenge! 

The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

Manna in the wilderness to satiate,

Miraculously provided, I remember

Reading The Bible off late.


The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

Vandalism has become the order of the day

Molten lava flows , like a venomous snake

Hissing and killing, hissing and killing

Emotions dead, rudderless is the fate

Oh youth of this country, you can make the change

Live and let live, make happiness the bait.

The hunger of the hundreds at the gate

What a price nation has to pay

Internal strife, is holding stake

Our soldiers, the martyers

laying their lives, all in vain

Oh what a shame, what a waste

Families immersed in pain

Is life so cheap today?


The hungers of the hundreds at the gate

Despondency looming, such is the fate.

Hey! Why play at the hands of fate,

Take charge, like a lighting brigade

Crossing milestones one by one

Do not fret, sunshine awaits

Let darkness cut a sorry face.

Kiren Babal

27.2 .2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tread lightly she is near under the snow

Taking first two lines of great poet Oscar Wilde

I made my poetry as on the spot challenge.....

Tread lightly she is near under the snow

Shall sing her a lullaby, in peace may rest her soul.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Oh it must be so cold and dark down there

She may stumble or may get hurt,

Precautionary so, my dear angel

Have lighted a lamp, at your abode.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Sun moon, & stars stand witness

For love knows no boundaries, will grow evermore

Even when she lies under the snow.

For body may perish, love shall surpass

Beyond time and space,

In spirit, when my heart touches yours.

Tread lightly, she is near, under the snow

Shovel gently ,Your heart's desire , in the

Warm sunshine that she may glow.

Plant her that loving kiss,

She breathes again that loving bliss.

In the twilight when earth and sky meet

Our love shall blossom again

Arms locked , shall sing and dance

The song of life again.

Kiren Babal


Don't go far off, not even for a day

Taking the first two lines of famous Poet Pablo Neruda,my on the spot poetry challenge.
(Don't go far off, not even for a day)

Ps: Here the theme is unsafe city.

Don't go far off not even for a day

The days are like sharks

And devils prowl the night

Will you then hear my call

Gone so far away?

Ps:From the perspective of young bride.

Don't go far off, not even for a day,

In your paradise , stepped I, a young bride

With fluttering heart, starry eyes, rosy dreams,

But you left me, to take care of many others

Fighting at the borders, protecting our country.

With prayers on my lips, each moment passed ,

no less a decade, seething in a desert.

Now that you are here, there is so much to share

My fondness, my madness, 

Yearnings of my bleeding heart.

This moment belongs to me

Will you not give it to me?

Ps:Theme on togetherness.

Don't go far off, not even for a day

but if you must , listen to what I say

Go wherever , I have no complaints

Just take me along, is the request .

For I am your shadow, and your soul

Have any doubts, ask the Sun, it'll tell ye all

The valley shall echo all, the air will drum away

How can a body live  when the soul is away.

Ps:Theme on Tolerance &Respect.

Don't go far off, not even a day,

Do I need to be possessive,

No, I am not so selfish!

Tread my dear, out in the world

Accomplish your mission, for the day

When you return home, head held high,

And smile on your lips, be assured

Shall inspire and support in whatever I can

Our mutual love and care, shall glow in our hearts

And our cosy home, an epitome of love

Shall always stand tall.

Ps:Theme on Daughters

Don't go far off, not even for a day,

For you are my apple honey

And sunshine of my life. 

I nuture you with love

It's treat to see you grow

When the time is ripe

To write a new history

Circle of life to begin

I wish you all the luck

And proudly claim

Daughter is the gift of God

She enlivens the house

With boundless love.

Though I bid you farewell

Have firm faith within

Yet another household will kindle

With warmth love and care

Oh my daughter, my love

You are always in my heart

Never far away.

#Kaafiya Milao

Kiren Babal


Monday, February 8, 2016

Ultra Violet Rays

Ultra violet rays

Oh!the deceitful Sun

And its Ultra violet rays,

Didn't know could play havoc,

For I dared, played undermining its reign.

January month, a holiday, Oh! such fun,

In the heart of the Andamans,

I swam like a fish in the Northern Bay Beach,

The morning sun seemed so sweet.

I splashed and splattered, 

The water and me,

That balmy warmth , Oh boy!

Every fibre of my body felt sublime.

No warnings did I heed,

I was but a fish, slipping around;

Thought, would remain in waters, eternally.

And the Sun shined its teasing smile,

Could it take the beating from puny me!

By the evening true colours revealed,

My whole body baked like a chocolate cake;

The setting sun bid goodbye ,

With tongue -n- cheek smile.

For next two days remained confined , 

Indoors like a fish fry......

Thickly coated with white Calamine lotion;

An antidote to soothe and heal my cakey skin .

The ultra violet rays, and the havoc it played!

The sun had a hearty laugh , winking in query,

Who asked you to dare and come out ?

Without protection of a sun block lotion.

Oh dear Sun! But for your ultra violet rays

Not a nice gesture spoiling my two days.

Prevention is better than cure, Sir...

For,you taught a lifelong lesson well.

Kiren Babal

28th May 2015

Travails of forgetfulness

Travails of Forgetfulness (Villanelle style)

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk,

Shell shocked and horrified , I find my lovely car, not in sight.

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, failed to talk.

Upon my friend's advice, dialled 100, forgetting the walk,

Then rushed to the colony gate , enquired the gaurd in sight;

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk.

'Where did you go last evening?' asked my friend in an earnest talk.

Distant sound of siren,then suddenly an image, flashed in the mind;

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk.

Spotting my car, I drove it back, Beat constable staring hard;

Honest confession, forgetfulness my biggest woe, came to sight;

Flight of steps, descending , early morn, all set for a walk.

Went in the car to attend the meeting, came back in leisure walk

forgetting completely, my car left behind, and out of sight

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk

Case closed in the police station, all travails came to naught,

And greetings from all corners, and I blushed at my plight;

Flight of steps, descending, early morn, all set for a walk;

My car parked under the tree, my forgetful mind, seemed to talk


The Rise within

In the silence 

I sat to witness

the dance within. 

Soaked in the desires

of self contentment

with the passionate rosy hues . 

I make a stir hissing , 

out of slumber

heavy as earth , slowly 

move upward 

ready to play 

the dance within. 

I witness 

the slithering rise upward 

Amidst the oceanic tubulance 

Churning within. 

Then clearing all

peacefully settle , and

establish , in saffron hue. 

The fiery rise continues

freeing from gravitation ; 

Engulfed with the wisdom 

to act as deem fit. 

Soaking in golden yellow

burning all malice 

with the wisdom within . 

Slithering upwards 

In the cold desert of my heart

I witness suffocation , heaviness, 

loneliness , helplessness ; 

Coming to my respite

the bright green light

spraying the soothing balm 

pulsating the heart with its boundless love

I slither upwards 

To the garden of paradise 

drinking its nectar sweet and milky white

Dazzling with the blue light 

Shedding off poison


I slither upwards

but first cut the ego

with the mighty sword

urging the divine

an entry into its realm

radiating with the indigo light. 

I remain responsible

slowly moving ahead. 

Suddenly am out . . . all etheric; 

Out of my crown

in communion

dazzling in its violet hues

On the throne of thousand petals; 

In the creativity of my own. . . .


in silence , 



Vast expanse

I play

the cosmic dance within. . . . 


Kiren Babal

17. 3. 2015. 

PS: This poem is published in an anthology,' Just for you my Love.'

The Journey

A journey by road,

On the highway,

Settled snuggly inside,

The eyes become host , to

panoramic view, of all

Passersby, vendors, roads, trucks

Trees, fields, Dharma, water parks, 

Buildings, hotels, all moving swiftly 

In the opposite direction.

The child in me knows it all

Yet amused to witness the illusion do speed

The eyes perceive. 

Each moving in the opposite direction

As if bidding adieu to us

In the hope of 

Meeting again 

God willing.

The four legged Master


Morning walks everyday

unfold a new story,

of something spectacular ,

reflective or hilarious ;

To tickle the funny bone.

Then feast my eyes

with a sly smile

pursing on the lips,

or laugh my lungs out ;

Prick up my ears

to hear a new song

From nature's basket .

Now lets meet this four legged master!

looks like it had a night out ,

guarding the colony

as a loyal servant;

Or dancing prancing

with a new date .

Its past ten , taking a stroll of the colony ,

soaking in warmth;

Find this sleepy head,

with droopy eyes

at a strategic point

sprawled atop a car - - - intelligently

Not coming in the way

of morning sweepers,

passersby , cars, vendors

Or menace of shooing;

Sat leisurely

enjoying the siesta,

basking in the glory

of warm sunshine;

Trying to beat

the hangover

of the previous


The Bliss of solitude


I, me , myself;

With its shadow;

My blissful solitude...

Don't we make the best of trio!

We echo to each other;

Me and my solitude;

Echo creating ripples of music;

Then shadow dancing on its tune;

Imprinting heart's desire.

Do we need any more?

No no no...chorused the trio;


My shadow, and

My very own,

The bliss of solitude!

Kiren Babal


The Bare Tree

The BareTree 

Today I stand tall, 

all bare and dare, 

your eyes to stare , 

My solitude . . . . 

I take the beat , 

of sun wind and rain; 

Yet the spirit is alive

shall bounce back again . 

Friends who have deserted me

in torn and battered state . 

Will be the ones , asking 

give us shelter again . 

When autumn of life,

makes me thread bare;

I will not lose heart;

Shall endure it all.

New horizons are...

but a yonder away;

Nature is humming , its song

hark! I can hear it all. 

I will remain standing tall,

welcoming one and all;

In my new finery;

You just wait and watch ! 

# Kiren Babal

8. 4. 2015



An urban life, busy wife, a socialite...

Returned home late one day and chirruped,

"Darling, lets spend quality time...

No serials, no I-Pads, just you and me and a cosy chat.."

"Your wish my command.."beamed the betterhalf

As if he had any choice....

Well they started on a happy note,

Soon interrupted with a shrill trrrrrnnnng.

"Oh its my brothers call"

Saying so the wife slid to the other room.

Brother and sister poured their heart out.

For good one hour before goodbye was said---

A long distance call followed from sister this time

It was understood that an hour would pass

With notes to exchange and giving solace.

Finally when she entered the bedroom again;

The husband quipped, "What a tete-e-tete..I must say!"

"Why didn't you watch TV?" was a sheepish query.

"Darling, am I not known for keeping promises....!"




Oh dear..!

Water every hour,

Swell every minute,

Flood every second,

And trickle every often.

When I laugh my lungs out,

You come running in my eyes.

Or if I sigh at a thought,

You sneak, peep in my eyes.

What is it you like in me?

That you love to reside 

In my eyes.!

Tears replied----

Pray,Fair lady,

Need not fear,the

Trickling tears;

Coz' intentions are pure.

A friend of your eyes,

Shall always reside;

When the need arise.

For I sneak and peep,

Flood, swell and trickle,

To lighten the heart,

Cleanse the eyes,

Add a sparkle,

To see the world,

In a new light.


Hope it pacifies,

To let me reside,

In your eyes.

Kiren Babal


Summer Rain

Summer Rain

The bright Sun makes its way

across the azure vast sky; 

Spreading the golden dust around. 

Dancing prancing come floating , 

light and dark clouds. 

Over shadowing the glowing sun; 

Next moment the sun is out , sending 

golden dust sieving through the parting clouds; 

Creating mesmerising designs, painting

light , dark and ember clouds; flaunting

across the sky to the earth. 

In between this game of ice- pice, I stand gazing

amused , wonderstruck, fully soaked , 

drenched and satiated, 

in the light of 

'Summer rain. '

Kiren Babal

9. 4. 2015

Signature love

God's creation,

Unique and pure,

Little bundle of joy;

A loving couple.

elevated and blessed;

In a news found role;

Of a loving Parent.

It seems like a story,

Of yesterday;

Kids who played,

In front us ;

Today are blessed,

With the child of their own;

A signature statement,

Of their love expressed.

The news with its rippling effect,

How could we be left behind;

Trip to Karnal , three hours drive;

To meet greet hold a toast,

And bless the new entrant,

And strengthen even more,

The family ties.

This little soul,

Sent on the earth;

Entrusted to write,

Yet another story ,

Of love peace harmony;

Or a new landmark.

For this earth planet;

Is all that I carry,

my wishes and blessings ,

for him.

# Kiren Babal


Riot of Colours

Riot of Colours

Past one week went by

preparing one and all

not to play any pranks

or stealthily spray colours

on me. 

Today morning

the warm sunshine, 

had something inviting in the air. 

Waves of colours spread dancing

in front of my eyes. 

An upward gaze

held me spell bound. 

Someone up there

with a stroke of a brush

had splashed a radiant rainbow 

adorning the sky. 

That very moment . . something transpired

The child in me , in a flash

played a magical prank

Disguised as baby Hanuman

leapt in the sky

grabbed the colours

in a tight grip ; 

Then flying down

Flashed open the grip- - - 

blowing love and happiness

engulfed in colours strewn around

Then yelling out happily

announced- - - 

Festive colours


lets play 

one and all. 

# Kiren Babal

6. 3. 2015


In loving memory of my 'Dad'

This is really mystical and true


Swollen eye,

Sure to be a stye.

Tossing and turning,

Painful and irritating,

Disrupting sleep.

Memory flashed

childhood bylanes, in the morn;

Puffed ,swollen, red eyes---Sick in bed

Stuck eyelids, infected, stye in both eyes.

Then gentle caring hands

giving wet sponge wipe, tepid fluid

clearing the puss, opening the eyes;

The feel of those palms

etched forever in me.

Dad you came again

carressed and cleaned

my puffed red eyes.

Only this time, not in person,

You came in my dream...

Refreshed me again

of that gentle caring feel.

The touch of your palms

which is

so etched

In me.


with refreshed eyes

when I look up,



wondrously feel 

your soothing presence;

Every night

In the twinkling



Kiren Babal


Sparkling gems

Sparkling Gems

A friendly meet

hearts to heart greet;

Carefree gossip, over------





And tasty tit bits;



Chilled refreshing drinks ;

Mirth and laughter

Indulging in

Mindless, funny



Senses euphoric

Moods jubilant

Nectar of love

Filled to brim

Souls quenched;

I rightfully claim

Friends are 

Sparkling gem

Cherish them

Sparkle with them





Kiren Babal


Sonnet of my Car

Sonnet of 'My Car'

Dear audience, pray heed to my story;

If a mouse like me could drive a car,

Motivated, you shall never be sorry;

Sure stand a chance to drive your car afar.

Three times, in a gap of six months,

Learnt to drive, from seven star school;

Two thousand each time doled out in those months,

And the entire staff thought I was such a fool.×#

My practice always was marked with accidents;

Boiling husband, seeing his car smashed, gave me talak.

Then financers confused me with loan payments,

Santro, Indica or Matiz ,the choice was so hard.

Finally Santro bought, trembling in my pants, couldn't drive,

The driver brought it home,Yet today I drive with so much pride.

Kiren Babal


Something is bothering

Something is bothering

know not what;

Well aware,

I come alone,

Shall go alone.

Is it loneliness,

popping its head,

dipping its fangs,

Into my existence?

Something in the air;

Know not what?

Pensive and dark,


eating me out,

which I so resent.

Something within

feels hassled;

wants to break shackles,

Crying aloud...

Let me be,

In the world of my own;

Where hope brings a new dawn;

And sunshine a new warmth.

Kiren Babal


Signature love

God's creation,

Unique and pure,

Little bundle of joy;

A loving couple.

elevated and blessed;

In a news found role;

Of a loving Parent.

It seems like a story,

Of yesterday;

Kids who played,

In front us ;

Today are blessed,

With the child of their own;

A signature statement,

Of their love expressed.

The news with its rippling effect,

How could we be left behind;

Trip to Karnal , three hours drive;

To meet greet hold a toast,

And bless the new entrant,

And strengthen even more,

The family ties.

This little soul,

Sent on the earth;

Entrusted to write,

Yet another story ,

Of love peace harmony;

Or a new landmark.

For this earth planet;

Is all that I carry,

my wishes and blessings ,

for him.

# Kiren Babal


Sigh of the heart

Sigh of the Heart

Flowers bloom ,

To make the heart grow fonder;

The rainbows make,

The heart throb so;

But why is it so,

That my heart sighs,

At the sight of both?

How I wished,

For a sunshine,

In a cold wintery night;


With soliquoy,

remained life,

Bearing its existence.

Kiren Babal

Jan' 84.


Scarecrows !

Children of the village were up something their sleeve, 

stealthily headed to the meeting , faces aglow with glee , 

adorned their best , not to miss , turban over their heads, 

tied with colourful ribbon whistle hanging to their chest. 

Friends! lend me your ears , have a plan to share, 

no less than an adventure and a sport of the year, 

Fathers off to town have responsibility to share, 

enemies are at large for the harvest is near. 

We all take positions , few furlongs from each other; 

When the enemy swoops near , blow your whistle loud and clear. 

We mean business , our secret code is now 'Whistle blowers '

Scarecrows are old and redundant, whistle blowing 

is the new game to keep the birds at bay. 

So that year the harvest was double for sure! 

Mothers , silent partners , treated them with goodies . 

Scarecrows stepped down , in marched the Whistle Brigade - - - in command . 

packing off the scarecrows to the watershed, to have a nice bath and rest.

Kiren Babal

11. 4. 2015


The dark shades of life..I let transform as love and light.

One of the pages..of my diary...


Music mingled with love,

vibrates the body,

for a while;

Enlivens the mind,

of the burdens,

caused heavily,

as clouds,

about to rain.

Sitting on the couch,

my mind takes a backward leap,

into the childhood existence.

Those whims and fancies,

laughter and giggles,

apple of an eye,

of parents special.

As I come out of the riverie,

T'was but a blessed past.

My hands flung in the air,

as for a moment say...

Oh! Please,don't go my riverie!

Stay for a while...

give me life,

Energy divine.

But no its just a mirage....

I take a sigh,

Clear the lump of my throat.

My body ,

Listless, eyes shut,

Like a corpse,

Lingered along the couch,

In the darkness,

Of life.

Then something flashed,

in that 'Turiya' state ;

Neither sleep nor awake.

A dazzling hand pulling me up,

drenched in the pit,

of dungeons dark;

From darkness to light,

sailing the clouds, then released,

into the ocean of light.

Every cell of my body basking,

reviving and reverberating slowly,

with renewed zeal of life.

Till date I hold this anchor tight,

As I swim the journey of life;

The Maxim upheld,

for all the struggles....

This too shall pass!

The bright light of yonder,ever there .

With its extended hand,

To sail us through,

Into the warm sunlight of hope.

Create a history,

with a winning smile.

Coz happiness is

Our Birthright!

Kiren Babal


Resolutions vs New Year

I know I'm late for this...yet want to share it

Resolutions vs New Year

My mind always plays

A perrineal boggling game.

What new resolutions would be,

for the coming year?

This time too 

I scratched my head

Squinted my eyes

Chewed the pencil stubs.

For the list was long

Did not understand 

Which ones to focus

And which ones to shun.

New Year ushered in, amidst all cheers.

Still caught in the web

The brilliant ideas for

New Year's Resolution

Stayed at bay.

Unmindful of my thoughts

New year, in its goblet held

A unique champagne

To hold a toast, cheer

And celebrate The New Year.

1st Jan,

A gift from my cousin surprised me

A movie ticket

An energy packed thriller

Fully energized me.

3rd Jan, 

My daughter virtually airlifted,

for a trip to Dubai

It fully mesmerised me.

My dancing heart, on the clouds of nine

Learnt yet another

,lesson of life.

Right now, this moment ,Enjoy

What life has brought in store.

Let resolutions take a backseat.

The flow of time will decide and 

Make its own resolution.

And my mind... cleared of all webs

Gave a grand salute to 

The New Year

..and its resolutions.

Kiren Babal


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Recycled Art

I see some glimpses of change,

Subtle yet definite all the same,

My pen on sabbatical leave , so it seems;

Well! mind stopped its bongling cues.

Something whispers through my ears,

As the earth turns out of slumber,

Or a season giving way to another,

Creativity too wishes a new expression. 

Meditate and listen to the whispers within,

The rustling of the paper , signals so clear;

Recycling the new mantra of transformation,

A little bud perhaps ready to bloom.

There I see the spark, creativity speaking volumes,

Without a moments delay, fingers show their prowess,

Ripping old magazines, cutting, folding pasting, weaving,

Then see the magic of recycling, creating a new creation.

Without spending a dime, create something new,

For once not the pen but the paper came to the fore,

Heart and soul both rejoice,seeing the magic of recycling,

With a brand new paper basket, coming alive.

So friends creativity does not depend

On the commodity known as money

For there is always a story to explore

When old stuff is transformed 

Into something new to adore!

Kiren Babal

1st Aug, 2015.

Phone Call

Phone call

With a longing heart,

fingers run through;

Dialling the numbers,

For the call to go through.

Ears waiting for that chirp,

of our very loved ones;

To hear good tidings 

feel their very presence.

Suddenly emotions drain,

when pat comes the voice;

'Be fast, have no time...

Will talk later' and a click.

Words die down,

the receiver and me,

left face to face;

With moistened eyes,

a scuffing choke,

To witness life

As it advances 

With sunset at hand.

On its graph.

There is no blame

Nothing to explain

Life is tough

With all kinds of stress

For all loved ones.

Yet the yearnings of heart 

can anyone stop?

Yet life is beautiful

Like an hour glass

When we count

all the blessings


In our lap...

Kiren Babal


Permanent Friend

I never asked

Pathos to enter my house.

Like an unwelcome guest

It entered,



And played a devil's dance.

Knocked out and helpless

Shocked, down and out.

I fought tooth and nail

Wounded and tormented.

Then life taught me

The lesson of life.

What begins, does fade out

Smile is that of valour

That conquers all the blues.

Taking the que I never looked back.

Laughter and courage, my house aglow.

The torch of hope burning bright

Now, pathos cut a sorry face.

The radiance of my house

Made it whimper

Like a wet mouse.

So friends

Laughter is the best of all.

Make it your permanent friend

Kiren Babal


Kitty and Me

Kitty and me

Oh poor little kitty

Lost her way






Made her entry

Into my house.

Oh cheeky little kitty

Was in for trouble

Caught unawares

I sprung into action

Playing the game of chase.

Frantically directing it

Towards the main gate.

Oh naughty little kitty

Did not take the cue

A leap on the table,

jumping on the sofa,

diving on the window

then climbing topmost

On the window door

Gosh! a wild chase

it was.

Oh poor little kitty

Tired of the chase

Stood in safe ground

Giving me the looks

Catch me if you can.

Then on impulse

Adjusting a cloth

On the rod waved

Like a flag.

In a flash

something happened

I was on the floor

And kitty...

out of the door

Kiren Babal
